气雾剂灌装机 酵素灌装机 灌装机半自动 唐

单价 1625.00 / 台对比
销量 暂无
浏览 1235
发货 预售,付款后10天内
库存 88台起订88台
品牌 工洲
工作原理 常压
功率 1~100(kw)
过期 长期有效
更新 2021-04-05 15:29


  • 上次登录 2021-04-05
  • 李芳艺 (先生)   销售部经理
工作原理 常压
功率 1~100(kw)
灌装精度 ±1%
灌装量 500ml
灌装头数 1头
生产能力 20罐/分钟
适用对象 果汁饮料,护发用品,护肤品类,酱类,酒类饮料,口服液,矿泉水、纯净水,清洁、洗涤用品,酸奶,碳酸饮料,鲜奶,牙膏,液体酒精
适用瓶高 1~9999(mm)
适用瓶径 1~9999(mm)
售后服务 一年保修
外形尺寸 1~9999
销售方式 直销
贸易属性 促销
适用行业 化工,日化,食品
物料类型 液体
自动化程度 半自动
发货期限 10天
品牌 伽利略Galileo


电    源:AC180V-260V               外箱尺寸:400×380×200(mm)
功    率:300W                       整机重量:5.5Kg
大范围:2ml-3500ml                 大吸程:2m
大流量:3.2L/min                   出料防滴漏功能:有
重复误差:<0.5%                     断电记忆功能:有

  电源:220V 50Hz




 FragmentWelcome to consult...

“That’s right; all safe and well! I don’t know why anything
should be otherwise than safe and well here, thank God; but I have
been so put out all **d I am not as young as I was! My tea, my
dear! Thank ye. Now, come and take your place in the circle, and
let us sit quiet, and hear the echoes about which you have your

“Not a theory; it was a fancy.”

“A fancy, then, my wise pet,” said Mr. Lorry, patting her hand.
“They are very numerous and very loud, though, are they not?
only hear them!”

Headlong, mad, and dangerous footsteps to force their way into

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

anybody’s life, footsteps not easily made clean again if once
stained red, the footsteps raging in Saint Antoine afar off, as the
little circle sat in the dark London window.

Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of
scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above
the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the
sun. A tremendous roar arose from the throat of Saint Antoine,
and a forest of naked arms struggled in the air like shrivelled
branches of trees in a winter wind; all the fingers convulsively
clutching at every weapon or semblance of a weapon that was
thrown up from the depths below, no matter how far off.

Who gave them out, whence they last came, where they began,
through what agency they crookedly quivered and jerked, scores
at a time, over the heads of the crowd, like a kind of lightning, no
eye in the throng could have told; but, muskets were being
distributed—so were cartridges, powder and ball, bars of iron and
wood, knives, axes, pikes, every weapon that distracted ingenuity
could discover or devise. People who could lay hold of nothing
else, set themselves with bleeding hands to force stones and bricks
out of their places in walls. Every pulse and heart in Saint Antoine
was on high-fever strain and at high-fever heat. Every living
creature there held life as of no account, and was demented with a
passionate readiness to sacrifice it.

As a whirlpool of boiling waters has a centre point, so, all this
raging circled round Defarge’s wine-shop, and every human drop
in the caldron had a tendency to be sucked towards the vortex
where Defarge himself, already begrimed with gunpowder and
sweat, issued orders, issued arms, thrust this man back, dragged
this man forward, disarmed one to arm another, laboured and

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

strove in the thickest of the uproar.

“Keep near to me, Jacques Three,” cried Defarge; “and do you,
Jacques One and Two, separate and put yourselves at the head of
as many of these patriots as you can. Where is my wife?”

“Eh, well! Here you see me!” said madame, composed as ever,
but not knitting today. Madame’s resolute right hand was
occupied with an axe, in place of the usual softer implements, and
in her girdle were a pistol and a cruel knife.

“Where do you go, my wife?”

“I go,” said madame, “with you at present. You shall see me at
the head of women, by-and-by.”

“Come then!” cried Defarge, in a resounding voice. “Patriots
and friends, we are ready! The Bastille!”

With a roar that sounded as if all the breath in France had been
shaped into the detested word, the living sea rose, wave on wave,
depth on depth, and overflowed the city to that point. Alarm-bells
ringing, drums beating, the sea raging and thundering on its new
beach, the attack begun.

Deep ditches, double drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight
great towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke. Through the fire
and through the smoke—in the fire and in the smoke, for the sea
cast him up and against a cannon, and on the instant he became a
cannonier—Defarge of the wine-shop worked like a manful
soldier, two fierce hours.

Deep ditch, single drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight great
towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke. One drawbridge down!
“Work, comrades all, work! Work, Jacques One, Jacques Two,
Jacques One Thousand, Jacques Two Thousand, Jacques Five-
and Twenty
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